Kostenloser Versand & Lasergravur


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Zweifarbiger Ehering aus gebürstetem schwarzem Wolfram für Herren, Fingerabdruck, gravierte blaue Stufenkante, bequeme Passform – 8 mm

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Estimated Arrival: Between Mar 02 and Mar 08. * ETA nur für US-Bestellungen.

Versand & Rücksendungen: Kostenloser Versand & Größenumtausch. Erfahren Sie mehr.

Dieser Wolframring ist eine schöne Variante klassischer Designs und perfekt für Bräutigame, die nach kreativen Eheringen suchen. Mit einem auf der Außenseite eingravierten Fingerabdruck erinnert dieser Ring den Träger daran, dass seine Beziehung einzigartig und besonders ist. Die silbergraue Gravur hebt sich vom mattschwarzen Hintergrund mit gebürsteter Oberfläche ab. Hellblaue Stufenkanten verleihen dem Design mehr Lebendigkeit und verleihen ihm noch mehr Bedeutung, da Blau Vertrauen und Loyalität symbolisiert.

Unglaublich zäh, Wolframcarbid ist härter als Stahl und Titan. Es ist eines der härtesten Materialien, die derzeit in der Schmuckindustrie verwendet werden. Im Gegensatz zu Silber- oder Goldringen verbiegen sich Wolfram-Eheringe nie und halten so ziemlich alles aus. Wir haben diesen Ring in den USA gefertigt, um seine hervorragende Handwerkskunst und hohe Qualität zu garantieren. Eine bequeme Passform sorgt dafür, dass sich dieser Wolframring in den kommenden Jahren in jeder Hand fantastisch anfühlt.

Unsere Lasergravuroption ermöglicht es dem Bräutigam, diesen Fingerabdruck-Ehering ganz einfach individuell zu gestalten. Namen, Initialen oder sogar eine Botschaft mit Bedeutung für das Paar können dauerhaft in den Ring eingraviert werden, um ihn einzigartig zu machen. Wir bieten Größenumtausch für alle nicht maßgefertigten Ringe an. Eine Schmuckschatulle und Versand in die USA sind ebenfalls als kostenlose Boni enthalten.


  • Material:EchtWolframkarbid
  • Ringbreite: 8 mm
  • Dicke : 2 mm
  • Passform: Comfort Fit
  • Herstellungszeitraum:2 Werktage
  • Rückgabe- und Umtauschrichtlinie: 30 Tage
  • Lieferzeit: 2 - 4 Werktage
  • Bonus Nr. 1 – Kostenlose Lasergravur
  • Bonus Nr. 2 -Kostenlose Schmuckschatulle

Customer Reviews

Based on 5 reviews
Tammie Kercheval-Rice (Omaha, US)
Lovely Memorial Ring

I had this ring made in honor of my mother who passed away recently. The experience of ordering the ring was super easy. Customer Service ensured I got the best ring made and received it unbelievably quick. I have passed this site on to other family members. I lovely way to keep my mother with me forever.

Katie (Chicago, US)
Amazingly Pleased

This ring is of great quality and my fiancé LOVES it! It really added extra deep meaning for it to have my ring finger, fingerprint on the ring itself. With his background in CSI work, it makes it extra special. So cool. Can’t wait to put it on his finger permanently! Now, we gotta pick a date!

Kaylene Faber (Chicago, US)
More than pleased

I received my ring today, and it is perfect. It's exactly the unique touch I was looking for in my soon to be husband's wedding ring. Thank you for such a beautiful product.

Senia (Las Vegas, US)
Unique and personalized Wedding ring.

For three months, I was searching the Internet for a unique and one-of-a-kind wedding ring for my fiancé that symbolized our love. I came across this website and couldn’t have been more pleased. I would say I’m a little picky but I just wanted to make sure it was right. I was emailing back-and-forth since September and asking many questions on how to personalized my wedding ring for my fiancé. Finally in January, I decide to place an order for my ring. I had a little difficulty trying to get the perfect fingerprint to send to them but they ended up sending me detailed instructions on how to get it right for them. They were just absolutely helpful throughout the whole process. I was very adamant about getting my own ring finger, finger print. It had to be just right! When the ring was mailed I received an engraving that just wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for. I sent them an email and expressed my feelings towards the issue. Without hesitation they apologized and said that they would take care of it. The service has just been absolutely phenomenal. I ordered the ring with enough time knowing that it would take time to personalize my fiancé ring. Shortly about a week later I received the finished product and I couldn’t be any happier. It arrived in a black box and the engraving on the inside of the ring was exactly what I wanted. The service was on point and the response time was impeccable. Thank you so much for all the time spent personalizing my order. I would definitely recommend them!!!!

Amanda Fogg (South Portland, US)
fingerprint ring

the ring was delivered without print contacted customer service. They were very prompt at getting back to me and problem was resolved..
Would use them again